
An enum is a type that can hold one of the types from the list of its defined variants. Each variant has its own type, and when such an enum variable holds a variant, it contains a value of the type of the variant. It is one of the ways to define custom user types.

The variants of an enum can be of any defined type, including user-defined types, like other enums or structs.


An enum is defined by the enum keyword. Here are a few examples of enum definitions:

  • An enum with only unit-type variants:

    enum Color {
        red: (),
        green: (),
        blue: (),
  • An enum with only core type variants:

    enum Status {
        /// Time passed since submission.
        Pending: u32,
        /// true for success, false for failure.
        Done: bool,
  • An enum with members of other user-defined types:

    enum Car {
        /// color
        Sedan: Color,
        /// color, number of doors
        Hatchback: (Color, u32),


An enum is instantiated with the EnumName::VariantName(value) syntax, where value is of the type of the variant VariantName. For example:

let red = Color::red(());
let success = Status::Done(true);
let red_sedan = Car::Sedan(Color::red(()));
let blue_hatchback = Car::Hatchback((Color::blue(()), 5));

To inspect an enum variable, it can be matched using the match keyword. A match expression must have an arm for each variant of the enum, that specifies the logic that should happen in the case the enum variable holds that variant. For example:

fn car_color(car: Car) -> Color {
    match car {
        Car::Sedan(color) => color,
        Car::Hatchback((color, _)) => color,

For more details about match expressions, see here.